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I should've known, from your Gargamel gaze to your egotistical ways I should’ve known, from your Opium chin to your toxicity grin I should've known. You’re such a shit show man, I should've known.
Your heart is trash, you seek out the dead and sweep them right under your bed, your heart is trash.
You sure cry foul when someone else has clout, your name is like bread to the groupies in your head.
You're a hell of a Backstabber runaway while you can.
You're a hell of a Backstabber you'll do it all over again.
Go fuck yourself, I'm sure you've heard it before and I'm sure you'll hear it again. Go fuck yourself.
I hope the next one you meet drops an eight ball on your feet. I will laugh and so will the officers round back.
You're a hell of a Backstabber runaway while you can.
You're a hell of a Backstabber you'll do it all over again.
Maybe next time you'll think twice before you step in shit.
Maybe next time you'll bite your so called mobster tongue.
But who's to say that you'll ever change your ways,
Cause in the end you’re just a little spoiled brat who never grew up.
Go fuck yourself!